Create an online Hub to house all of P&G's Olympic content created in relation to the Proud Sponsor of Moms campaign.


  • Large amount of various information slated to live on the site, most of which would be added during a short period of time
  • Changing scope in content as new stakeholders came onboard during the project

Worked closely with graphic design from the beginning as we gathered all requirements, benchmarked, brainstormed, sketched and organized all information that would need to go into the site. As we went through these exercises there were a couple points where we had to stop and reset our thinking due to discoveries of new content/requirements from new stakeholders. Concepts were tested via prototyping and user testing throughout the process.


Note: Site is no longer live as it was taken down shortly after the Olympics ended.

Sketching out the P&G Olympics campaign ecosystem

Sketching out the P&G Olympics campaign ecosystem

Taking inventory of our themes/topics and other content types with post-it notes

Taking inventory of our themes/topics and other content types with post-it notes

Sketching potential layouts for top level pages with many types of content.

Sketching potential layouts for top level pages with many types of content.

Sitemap for the Hub

Homepage wireframe

Homepage wireframe

Hub Wireframes_Mom Stories_cropped.jpg
Content---Written-with-Photo-SidebarB_cropped shortest.png